Thursday 8 December 2011

Say Wow !

Teehee !!
Guess what ?!
Yeap !
I bring my laptop to office .

Today my job is a designer without any certs !
Not account clerk .


I wish I become a Stewardess in my future when I'm still study-ing primary school.
I wish I become a Graphic Designer in my future when I'm study-ing secondary school.

BUT now,

I'm a teacher training at IPG Kampus Bahasa Melayu.

Funny ?

Hmm, let's share something that I did at office today ><

Yes, my current part time job is Account clerk at You Teck Food Enterprise .
Today, I open my laptop's photoshop to do this !!
Thanks all my colleague's opinion to make this brochure design more perfect !

That's all for today , bye !